I have done my fair share of remodeling for friends, family & myself. I have torn down walls, built new walls, added rooms, added plumbing & electrical all in the name of DIYing. I bought my first house in 1995 and started my first remodeling projects. The house was built in the late 50’s and needed lots of updating. The house had a small 18’x 20′ large with 7′ ceilings. I bought my first stationary woodworking tools. They were all bench top models. The projects included turning a closet into a laundry closet, with bifold doors, sweating my first copper joints and running a 220v circuit for the dryer. Building a small coat closet in the front entrance, and a bigger closet in the bonus room over the garage to turn it into a bedroom. Completely gutting the only bathroom in the house. The bathroom remodel started when I was sitting on the toilet and it broke through the rotted floor. Scared the crap out of me LOL!!


Living Room Wall 1